Okay this is - the big day is tomorrow.
Our heroes are set to arrive in Saigon around 2pm tomorrow - and will (hopefully) have a cyclo guard of honour as they enter the city.
There'll be a quick tour around Saigon before ending up for a small party at Saigon Children's Charity at 3pm. The address is: 129/63a Ben Van Don Road in District 4.
Hopefully I can send out more details of where they pic up a cyclo - so if you want to join them for the dash around the city you can. Email me here.
In the meantime we're having one last media push. Press release can be downloaded here. Download cycloend-web.doc
Finally just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Adam. Just heard from Ma & Pa Hurley that it's his 32nd today. Congrats Adam. Must admit, I thought you were older.
Oh and nearly forgot. Remember, the guys are doing this for fun. Well, not just for fun anyway. They're raising money for KOTO, the aim is to raise enough money to pay to take 20 kids off the streets for good and give them a home and training so that they can building their own future away from poverty.
Tomorrow is going to be a huge day. Please support us in anyway you can. Donate here. Leave a good luck comment below, and..if you're in Saigon, turn out and see us tomorrow.
Hopefully more details of their route into Saigon will be added later.