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September 29, 2005



One day, you will show your grandkids what you did.

Mega guys. Mega.



Great effort boys and please enjoy this great achievements. For your next extreme charity, I think the vehicle of choice should be starting from Hanoi to Shanghai on a skateboard or a scooter. Marty, we will crack open a couple of Carlton Draughts for you right now.

Lisa Hurley

Awesome!! Congratulations guys, this is an amazing achievement. Everyone is extremely proud of you.

Enjoy the beers!

Love Lisa

Ben & Harry

Inspiring! Really, let's see what we can come up with! You're great guys.


8.50pm --- Saigon
An answer from one of my American
students who will be in Vietnam
after Tet to help the orphans there :
. . .
9. Adam va`Marty ddap.xe xich/lo^ o*) Vie^t.Nam

Adam and Marty rode a cyclo inVN. (That gives "rode" a whole new meaning! What an awesome journey!)

wonderful website...I really enjoyed reading all the letters and checking out the site.

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