If you work for KOTO you become accustomed to making your excuses and leaving the room.
The problem?
Well it’s the lump in the throat, the tears welling in your eyes, the quivering corners of your mouth. In short, it’s a very emotional place to work.
Alongside the teaching of vocational skills for formerly disadvantaged or street youth, we also teach life skills. But it’s more than just that. The ethos of family runs throughout everything. We support each other.
The money Marty and Adam aim to make when they set off on their cyclo tour will help sponsor trainees at KOTO. Each sponsored trainee will receive a home, an allowance and all the support and teaching they need to become proficient front of house workers or chefs. In short, their 18-month program will leave them with the ability to build a career in the hospitality industry.
Real skills, real jobs, real prospects.
For 18 months of sponsorship, a life is changed forever. I struggle to think of a better investment. Please, if you sponsor Marty and Adam then the money will go to KOTO and towards helping these amazing young people.
If you represent a business and you think you can help then contact me on [email protected].
In the meantime, i’ll try and keep the sermons and the hard sell to a minimum. Once Marty and Adam hit the road these posts will be made up of their thoughts and pictures. Today I’ll let the KOTO kids have the final words.
A couple of weeks back we had a consultant working with us. He was trying to work out what makes KOTO special. What does it stand for? What makes it work? We asked the kids what they thought. These are a handful of their responses:
• I really belong to KOTO
• Love, compassion and protection
• I learn so much here which I have never know before
• I found here in my second home a love that I never found outside.
And there are two that floor me. The first one takes a bit of thinking about. The second once again kicks off the lump in the throat, watering eyes, quivering mouth etc:
• A centre that makes me feel like an ordinary person
• KOTO is the happiest home of my life.